The avenue welcomes people as they drive in. The drive is lined with azaleas, rhododendrons, camilias, echiums, bananas, zenobia and much more.

Knockpatrick Gardens autumn avenue
Beautiful avenue of flowers Knockpatrick Gardens

The primula path is full of colour from the candelabra primulas, hostas, echiums, bamboos, skunk cabbage and more.

Every year we try and take on a new project. This water feature of two children holding an umbrealla in the rain surrounded by pink roses was one such project.

Knockpatrick Gardens banana leaves add structure
Beautiful avenue of flowers Knockpatrick Gardens
We love to see our visitors taking time out from their busy lives to just sit and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Last year we experimented with creating a wild flower garden. We cleared a disused area of the garden and planted some wild flower seeds. The result was magical. We were rewarded with a mass of colour which kept us entertained for months.

Knockpatrick Gardens banana leaves add structure
Wisteria and Laburnum Knockpatrick Gardens

The fast growing banana plant is enjoying the heat wave in June.